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Auditing Classes Spring 2025

Auditing Classes With CoA

Enjoy our courses throughout the year without a degree track.

CoA Courses are available to the public as auditing students, Dual Enrollment High School and Home School students. Enrolled CoA students and Dual Enrollment students must register through Populi.

To register as a non-degree-seeking (auditing) student:

Click on the register link associated with a course below.

Order the books for the course here.

Senior Discount: Individuals age 65 or older may enroll in auditing courses at a 20% discount.
Scholarship: If you are in need of financial assistance to attend a course, contact the office.
Course Location: Courses are held at the CoA Campus, 1331 New High Shoals Rd., Watkinsville, GA 30677, with possible virtual options as noted.
CoA Refund Policy

Course Offerings

Course Format Options

CoA offers in-person, blended, virtual, and online classes.  Check the schedule below to select the type of class meeting that best suits your schedule and geographic location.
Online Class. All CoA courses offered online have a 2 hours of required live videoconference meeting times for each credit hour.  The instructor will poll all enrolled students for their availability to schedule the virtual course meeting times.
Videoconference Class. These virtual classes meet by live, synchronous videoconference.  Students are expected to attend classes virtually at the regularly scheduled times.
Blended Class. Most CoA courses can be taken virtually by students who do not live locally.  Contact your Academic Advisor for more information about attending a “blended” class.


Upcoming Classes

January 6-April 28

Spring 2025

Biblical Language

Hebrew I

This course provides an introduction to the Old Testament Hebrew language. Through sound principles of linguistic interpretation and grammar, the student will achieve a beginning confidence in reading and doing exegetical, biblical studies while learning Old Testament Hebrew.

Instructor: Dr. Mike Rasmussen

Meeting Times: Monday, 6:00 -9:00 pm, In-person & Virtual

Register here



The primary focus of this course will be the practical application of apologetics in ministry and evangelism. Various approaches to the apologetic task will be investigated. Attention will be given to the systematic and rational defense of the Christian faith against significant contemporary challenges. Topics include such areas as tests for truth, a critique of relativism and pluralism, the problem of miracles, and the historicity of the Christian faith.

Instructor: Dr. Tim Harrison

Meeting Times: Thursday, 5:30 – 8:30 pm, In-person & Virtual

Register here

The Book of Revelation

In this course, students will examine the Book of Revelation, an apocalyptic form of writing in the New Testament that sees God acting by bringing a radical end to history, destroying all evil, and completing the act of new creation. Students will examine the structure, biblical themes, key theological concepts, and present-day significance of the book of Revelation.

Instructor: Dr. Jesse Coyne

Meeting Times: Thursday, 1:00-4:00 pm, In-person & Virtual

Register here


Effective Prayer Ministry Tools: Elijah House 201

As a biblical form of pastoral counseling, Elijah House 201 lays the foundations for healing and transformation, for both students, and for equipping them to minister inner healing to others. Students will learn foundational principles and tools for dealing with personal and interpersonal issues. Students will learn to trace bad fruit to bitter roots formed in the heart, most often in childhood and how broken hearts can be healed through the biblical process of repentance and forgiveness.

Instructor: Mrs. Dee Pesaresi

Meeting Times: Monday, 2:00 – 5:00 pm Virtual

Register here

Buy course materials here



The course examines the Christian practice of prayer through biblical and theological lenses, and types of prayer (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication). It introduces students to the theology and practice of hearing God and discerning His will. Students will engage in the spiritual discipline of prayer and reflect on their experiences with God through collaborative learning, individual assessment, and class discussion with an emphasis on application outside of the classroom environment.

Instructor: Dr. Kurt Genteman

Meeting Time: Wednesday, 6:00-9:00 pm, In-person & Virtual

Register here

Great Commission: Discipleship

This course will challenge and equip students to become lifelong disciple-makers as they articulate principles and practices of disciple-making based on Jesus’ example and commission, apply these principles and practices, and develop an action plan for personal disciple-making.

Instructor: Dr. Pat Ford

Meeting Times: Tuesday, 5:30 – 8:30 pm Virtual

Register here

Personal Spiritual Formation

In this course, students will explore the foundations of the spiritual disciplines and their role in the development of personal spiritual formation—the day-by-day journey through which individuals open their hearts to a deeper relationship with God and a rich understanding of their identity in Christ. The course will present why spiritual formation is a vital part of Christian ministry, its biblical foundation, and its role in the development of Christian education programs.

Instructor: Dr. Suresh Thomas

Meeting Time: 5 Fridays (January 24, February 28, March 28, April 25, May 2), 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, In-person & Virtual

Register here

general education


The English Composition course prepares students for the rigors of college writing with an emphasis on
correct writing mechanics, writing for effective communication, writing styles appropriate to the intended
audience, and proper citations. Students are required to complete a research paper on a Christian topic of
personal interest at the culmination of this course.

Instructor: Dr. Tiffany Coley 

Meeting Times: Monday/Wednesday, 9:30-11:00AM, In-person & Virtual

Register here


Intercultural Studies

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

This course examines multiple perspectives on missiology and the changing globe with special attention to students’ own area(s) of particular interest. Students will examine specific strategies and issues in missions with a special interest in urban and cross-cultural settings and reaching the 10/40 window.

Instructor: Mr. Alex Fields

Meeting Times: Tuesday, 6:15-9:00 pm, In-person, OR Intensive 1/4-1/9, In-person

Register here for Tuesdays

Register here for Intensive

Have Questions?

We would love to hear from you!

To learn more about auditing classes at CoA, please contact our office directly or complete the form on this page. We look forward to connecting with you! 


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