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In-depth Biblical and Theological Understanding

Biblical Studies

Within the College’s Christian Ministry Degree Program, an emphasis of Biblical Studies will allow you to pursue in-depth biblical and theological understanding. At CoA, we focus not only on rich biblical studies, but also the “so what” of the Bible in order to effectively apply God’s truth to life and ministry. Follow the links below for the various levels of Program Requirements.

Certificate in Christian Ministry

An undergraduate Certificate in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies is an incredible way to:
-add a second major to your undergraduate degree at another institution;
-increase your effectiveness as a church lay leader; and
-become equipped to share God’s Truth at home and in the workplace.

Program Completion Plan:
Certificate in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies 
30 Credits
Completion Time: 2 Semesters

Christian Core Courses
CS 101 Foundations of Faith
BS 101 Old Testament Survey
BS 102 New Testament Survey
CS 102 His Creation: Identity in Christ
CS 103 Prayer & Spiritual Direction
CS 201 The Great Commission: Evangelism
CS 202: The Great Commission: Discipleship

Biblical Studies Courses
1 Biblical Studies course

Faith-in-Action Apprenticeship
FIA 201 Christian Ethics
FIA 250 Apprenticeship in Action

Associate of Arts in Christian Ministry

Students who earn an Associate’s Degree in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies can:
-develop a strong understanding of their identity in Christ and of God’s Word before they pursue a career in any field; and
-complete general education undergraduate courses (science, English, mathematics, humanities) in a safe environment that honors and fortifies their Christian worldview.

Program Completion Plan:
Associate of Arts in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies

61 Credits
Completion Time: 4-5 Semesters

Christian Core Courses
CS 101 Foundations of Faith
BS 101 Old Testament Survey
BS 102 New Testament Survey
CS 102 His Creation: Identity in Christ
CS 103 Prayer & Spiritual Direction
CS 201 The Great Commission: Evangelism
CS 202: The Great Commission: Discipleship

General Education Requirements
College Success
English Composition
Foreign Language or Biblical Language
Mathematics or Natural Sciences
Behavioral or Social Sciences
Humanities or Fine Arts

Biblical Studies Courses
BS 312 Walking with Jesus—The Gospels
BS 314 The Pentateuch
CC 352 God’s Design for Sexual Wholeness or CS 351 Spiritual Warfare & Victory in Christ
2 additional Biblical Studies Courses

Faith-in-Action Apprenticeship
FIA 201 Christian Ethics
FIA 250 Apprenticeship in Action

Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry

A Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies:
-will equip students to effectively serve in pastoral ministry, Christian education, missions, or as employees of volunteer service agencies; and
-may qualify students for ordination in some denominations.

Program Completion Plan:
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies 

121 Credits
Completion Time: 8-9 Semesters

Christian Core Courses (21 credits)
CS 101 Foundations of Faith
BS 101 Old Testament Survey
BS 102 New Testament Survey
CS 102 His Creation: Identity in Christ
CS 103 Prayer & Spiritual Direction
CS 201 The Great Commission: Evangelism
CS 202: The Great Commission: Discipleship

General Education Requirements (31 credits)
College Success
English Composition
2 Foreign Language or Biblical Languages
1 Mathematics or Natural Sciences
Humanities or Fine Art
Behavioral or Social Sciences
4 General Education elective courses

Biblical Studies Courses (36 credits)
BS 312 Walking with Jesus—The Gospels
BS 314 The Pentateuch
BS 350 Systematic Theology
BS 351 Inductive Bible Study
BS 411 The Book of Romans
CC 352 God’s Design for Sexual Wholeness or CC 351 Spiritual Warfare & Victory in Christ
2 Biblical Language courses (Hebrew or Greek)
4 additional Biblical Studies or Biblical Language courses

Electives (18 credits)
6 elective courses

Faith-in-Action Apprenticeship (15 credits)
FIA 201 Christian Ethics
12 additional FIA credits

Master's Certificate in Christian Ministry

The Master’s Certificate in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies is a perfect way to build expertise in a variety of specialized areas of biblical study in areas such as Old Testament, New Testament, Greek, Hebrew, and more!

Program Completion Plan:
Master’s Certificate in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies 

15 Credits
Completion Time: 2 Semesters

Biblical Studies
BS 603 Personal Spiritual Formation
BS 501 Old Testament Survey
BS 502 New Testament Survey
2 additional Biblical Studies courses

BS 603 Personal Spiritual Formation
BL 550 New Testament Greek I
BL 551 New Testament Greek II
2 additional advanced Greek courses

BS 603 Personal Spiritual Formation
BL 510 Old Testament Hebrew I
BL 511 Old Testament Hebrew II
2 additional advanced Hebrew courses

New Testament
BS 603 Personal Spiritual Formation
BS 551 Inductive Bible Study
BS 502 New Testament Survey
BS 512 Walking with Jesus—The Gospels
1 additional New Testament course

Old Testament
BS 603 Personal Spiritual Formation
BS 551 Inductive Bible Study
BS 501 Old Testament Survey
BS 514 The Pentateuch
1 additional New Testament course

BS 603 Personal Spiritual Formation
BS 550 Systematic Theology
BS 512 Walking with Jesus—The Gospels
BS 513 The Trinity
1 additional Theology course

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

A Master of Arts in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies:
-will equip students to effectively serve as church pastors and leaders of missions and service organizations; and
-should qualify students for ordination in many denominations.

Program Completion Plan:
Master of Arts in Christian Ministry with a concentration in Biblical Studies 

60 Credits
Completion Time: 4-5 Semesters

Christian Core Courses

College Success
BS 501 Old Testament Survey
BS 502 New Testament Survey
CS 502 His Creation: Identity in Christ
CS 503 Prayer & Spiritual Direction
CS 504 The Great Commission: Evangelism
CS 505: The Great Commission: Discipleship

Biblical Studies Courses
BS 514 The Pentateuch
BS 550 Systematic Theology
BS 551 Inductive Bible Study
2 semesters of Hebrew or Greek language
5 additional Biblical Studies courses

Faith-in-Action Apprenticeship
Christian Ethics
Master’s Thesis or Capstone Project
5 credits Apprenticeship in Action

Master of Divinity

A Master of Divinity with a concentration in Biblical Studies will:
-prepare students with a strong theological foundation for the pragmatic aspects of leadership in the church or other types of ministry settings;
-provide students for effective leadership across a broad range of ministry areas;
-equip students with a solid specialization in the area of Biblical Studies;
-qualify students for admission to doctorate-level studies such as a DMin or Ph.D.; and
-make students eligible for ordination in most denominations.

Program Completion Plan:
Master of Divinity with a concentration in Biblical Studies 

90 Credits
Completion Time: 7-8 Semesters

Christian Core Courses
College Success
BS 501 Old Testament Survey
BS 502 New Testament Survey
CS 502 His Creation: Identity in Christ
CS 503 Prayer & Spiritual Direction
CS 504 The Great Commission: Evangelism
CS 505: The Great Commission: Discipleship

Program Core Courses
BS 550 Systematic Theology
BS 551 Inductive Bible Study
CS 531 Church History
CS 551 Spiritual Warfare & Victory in Christ
CS 603 Personal Spiritual Formation
CC 501 Psychology & Theology
IC 510 World Religions & Cross-Cultural Ministry or IC 520 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
ED 602 The Art & Science of Teaching
WA 575 Biblical Foundations of Worship
TL 512 The Dynamics of Leadership

Biblical Studies Courses
BS 512 Walking with Jesus—The Gospels
BS 514 The Pentateuch
BS 611 The Book of Romans
2 semesters of Hebrew or Greek language
3 additional Biblical Studies courses

Faith-in-Action Apprenticeship
11 credits Apprenticeship in Action

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CoA programs are designed and integrated with building students’ relationships at the core—relationships with God, with the school community, and within the context of Christian service opportunities.