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CoA Board of Trustees

November 6th. Board of Trustees. Romans 12:8 (NIV) “If it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”

Heavenly Father, Thank You for your Sovereignty, and for all the ways you prepare and equip us to serve You by spreading the Good News of Your gospel message and by caring for Your saints. Thank You that you gift us as all with respective talents and capacities. We praise Your beautiful design of humanity—that we are all unique, and yet we also all bear the imprint of Your divine image. Thank You that in Your wisdom, You place us in specific times and in specific places, amongst specific people, so that we can fulfill Your calling on our lives. Today, we especially pray this over the College of Athens’ Board—those individuals who have felt a calling to shepherd and steward this institution for Your glory and the building up of fellow brothers-and-sisters-in-Christ. We pray that each Board Member will seek to daily walk in Your ways, leading CoA according to Your will and always out of faithful love. We ask that you bless them with an abundance of discernment, insight, patience, and perseverance, and that in all they do, they will be filled with Your joy. In Your Son’s Precious Name, Amen.