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Fall 2023 Textbooks

Most of these textbooks can be purchased from When available, ebooks are an option, but the page numbers may differ. When you purchase by clicking the links below, our college receives 7.5% of the proceeds as a donation towards our Student Scholarship fund!  Amazon is also an option. It is recommended to have the textbooks on the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.

Please be aware that delivery times for books from Christian Book Distributors is much longer than Amazon. Please plan accordingly.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are purchased from the CoA online bookstore and will be provided to you at your first class meeting.

BS 101/501 Old Testament Survey

Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer, Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey, 3rd ed., 2015; ISBN: 9780801049538. $52.99

Ellen F. Davis, Getting Involved with God: Rediscovering the Old Testament, 2001; ISBN: 978156101197. $17.95.


BS 350/550 Systematic Theology

Michael Bird, What Christians Ought to Believe: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Through the Apostles’ Creed, Zondervan; ISBN: 978-0-3105-2093-1. $24.99

Michael Reeves, Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith, IVP Academic; ISBN: 978-0-8308-6673-1. $18.00

Alister McGrath, Christian Theology: An Introduction, 6th Ed., Wiley Blackwell; ISBN: 9781118874387. $55.95


CC 331/531 Effective Prayer Ministry Tools: Elijah House 201

1. Letting Go of Your Past, by John & Paula Sanford;  ISBN: 978-1-59979-218-7. $14.99

2. God’s Power to Change, by John & Paula Sanford;  ISBN: 978-1-59979-068-8. $14.99

3. Deliverance & Inner Healing, by John & Mark Sandford;  ISBN: 978-0-8007-9448-4. $22.00

4. Growing Pains, by John & Paula Sanford; ISBN: 978-1-59979-278-1. $14.99

5. Transforming the Inner Man, by John & Paula Sanford; ISBN: 978-1-59979-067-1. $14.99

6. Restoring the Christian Family, by John & Paula Sanford; ISBN: 978-1-59979-465-5. $14.99

Order the Elijah House 201 Manual directly through the CoA Bookstore:

EH 201 Manual

Cost $50


CC 322/522 Healing Trauma

Course Manual: Healing Trauma -Healing the Aftermath by Sandra-Selmer Kersten, 2023
Click here to order through CoA Bookstore (Must be ordered no later than 8-5-23). $35.00

Jim Banks, The Effects of Trauma & How to Deal With It, 3rd ed; ISBN: 978-1724612670. $15.00 

Ken Harringtonand Jeanne Harrington, Deliverance From Toxic Memoried Weapons to Overcome Destructive Thought Patterns in your Life; ISBN: 978-0-7684-0361-9. $16.97 


CS 351/551 Spiritual Warfare & Victory in Christ 

The Spiritual Warrior’s Prayer Guide by Sherrer and Garlock; ISBN: 0830747125. $16.00

Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views. Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul Rhodes Eddy; ISBN: 0801039363. $26.00

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Any edition will do. 


CS 403/603 Personal Spiritual Formation

Trevor Hudson, Discovering Our Spiritual Identity, 2010 ISBN: 978-0-8308-1092-5. $25.00

Henry Nouwen, Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit. ISBN: 0061686131. $16.99


CS 201/504 Great Commission: Evangelism

Joe Aldrich, Lifestyle Evangelism: Learning to Open Your Life to Those Around You; ISBN: 1590527542. $17.00

Donald McGavran and C. Peter Wagner, Understanding Church Growth, 3rd rev. ed.; ISBN: 0802804632. $34.99


FIA 201/501 Christian Ethics

Scott B. Rae. Moral Choices: An Introduction to Christian Ethics. 4th ed.; ISBN: 0274842009. $44.99

Dennis Hollinger, Choosing the Good: Christian Ethics in a Complex World; ISBN: 9780801025631. $30.00


TL 330/530 Effective Leadership Communication

Heather R. Younger, The Art of Active Listening: How People at Work Feel Heard, Valued, and Understood; ISBN: 152300388X. $21.95

John C. Maxwell, The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication: Apply Them and Make the Most of Your Message; ISBN: 979-8887100081. $28.00


ED/CE 460/660 Media & Technology

Walsh, Kelly, The Free Educational Technology Resources eBook, EmergingEdTech,  Click Here.

Choose one of the two following books:

Jay Kim, Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age. 2020; ISBN: 9780830841585. $19.99


Jay Kim, Analog Christian: Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age. 2022; ISBN: 9781514003169. $17.00



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College of Athens

P.O. Box 7953
Athens, GA  30604


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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