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We recommend that you have the textbooks on the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are purchased from the CoA online bookstore and will be provided to you at your first class meeting.
BS 102/502 Old Testament Survey
CS 351/551 Spiritual Warfare & Victory in Christ
EN 101 English Composition
TL 312/512 Dynamics of Leadership
PY 101 Intro to Psychology
CS 101 Foundations of Faith
1. Jared M. August, Mark McGuiniss, Kenneth M. Gardoski, and Wayne T. Slusser, Scripture’s Story: A Unifying Hope, Northeastern Baptist Press: Bennington, 2021. ISBN 978-1953331021. $29.99.
2. Brian H. Cosby, God’s Story: A Student’s Guide to Church History, CF4Kids: Ross-shire, 2014. ISBN 978-1781913208. $9.99.
CS 315/515 Christian Philosophy
WA 350 Vocal Performance