Rev. Nick Honerkamp served as a pastor for 23 years and spent two decades in the Christian nonprofit world. Nick now works as a Church Development Director. His job demands that he visit a new church each week. Over the past two years, he has visited over one hundred churches representing 20 different denominations. This view of the church, plus his extensive experience, has inspired Nick to embrace being a Church & Christian nonprofit consultant.
Like Thanksgiving or Christmas, this day has become a national observance placed on all Hallmark calendars and observed annually across the nation and in Washington, D.C. Every year, local, state, and federal observances were held from sunrise in Maine to sunset in Hawaii, uniting Americans from all socio-economic, political and ethnic backgrounds in prayer for our nation.
It is estimated that over two million people attended more than 30,000 observances– organized by approximately 40,000 volunteers. At state capitols, county court houses, on the steps of city halls,
and in schools, businesses, churches and homes, people stopped their activities and gathered for prayer.
The first Continental Congress called for a National Day of Prayer.
Abraham Lincoln called for such a day.
Congress established NDoP as an annual event by a joint resolution, signed into law by President Truman.
The law was amended and signed by President Reagan, designating the NDoP as the first Thursday in May.
Throughout the day we will be praying down specific themes. You can in wherever you are and PRAY! Imagine these specific prayers going up all over the city! As one voice in agreement, pray as the Lord leads you throughout the day!!! You can follow the links below as possible organizations to pray over, or add others that God puts on your heart! Use the Yellow Pages or do a google search for specific ideas (i.e. schools in Athens, etc.). Pray as you are led; we have included some scripture selections below to get you started!
Athens Orthopedic Clinic Nicols Land Development
Chastain & Associates Insurance Oconee State Bank
Tom Crane Realty Co. St. James Church
First American Bank and Trust W-2 Accounting
Fortson, Bentley & Griffin Attorneys at Law Ed & Shelby Wiezorek