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National Day of Prayer

"Pour Out to the God of HOPE & Be Filled!"

National Day of Prayer 2025


May 1, 2025 (Thursday)

LOCATION: The Classic Center Athena Ballroom, 300 N Thomas St., Athens, 30601
TIME: 7:00 – 8:30 AM (Full hot breakfast service begins at 7:00 AM. Program begins at 7:30 AM).

 All great movements of God are stirred by extraordinary efforts on behalf of His saints to humbly come before His throne and to PRAY!  The 2025 NDoP theme is “Pour out to the God of HOPE and be filled,” based on Romans 15:13. The 74th Annual National Day of Prayer, May 1, 2025, will have profound significance for our country.



$30 per person (includes free parking); Table Hosts may purchase 10 seats for $300.

 WRITE CHECK to College of Athens, P.O. Box 7953, Athens, GA 30604 (“NDoP” in Memo) OR Call: 706-769-1472  OR pay using the links below.                         

Rev. Dr. William E. Flippin, Sr.

Keynote Speaker

The Reverend Dr. William E. Flippin, Sr. is a native of Nashville, Tennessee and holds a Doctorate of Ministry from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of six books and co-author of two. Since 1990, Pastor Flippin has faithfully served Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church as its Senior Pastor. Understanding that the church cannot live apart from the community, Dr. Flippin has established The Grove as a key resource for the people of Atlanta and DeKalb County. The Grove actively engages with the community through many different initiatives. Dr. Flippin is also a Certified Life Transformational Coach and a Certified Leadership Coach Trainer with his main objective to raise leaders. He and his wife, Sylvia, are the proud parents of four children. 

Historical Summary

Like Thanksgiving or Christmas, this day has become a national observance placed on all Hallmark calendars and observed annually across the nation and in Washington, D.C. Every year, local, state, and federal observances were held from sunrise in Maine to sunset in Hawaii, uniting Americans from all socio-economic, political and ethnic backgrounds in prayer for our nation.

It is estimated that over two million people attended more than 30,000 observances– organized by approximately 40,000 volunteers. At state capitols, county court houses, on the steps of city  halls,
and in schools, businesses, churches and homes, people stopped their activities and gathered for prayer.


The first Continental Congress called for a National Day of Prayer.


Abraham Lincoln called for such a day.


Congress established NDoP as an annual event by a joint resolution, signed into law by President Truman.


The law was amended and signed by President Reagan, designating the NDoP as the first Thursday in May.

Hourly Prayer Focus

Throughout the day we will be praying down specific themes. You can in wherever you are and PRAY! Imagine these specific prayers going up all over the city! As one voice in agreement, pray as the Lord leads you throughout the day!!! You can follow the links below as possible organizations to pray over, or add others that God puts on your heart!  Use the Yellow Pages or do a google search for specific ideas (i.e. schools in Athens, etc.). Pray as you are led; we have included some scripture selections below to get you started!

7:30 to 8:30 AM – God’s Glory

Pray for God’s glory to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea! Pray for all men to be drawn to the Lord and to know Him personally.
Scriptures: Hab 2:14; Jn 12:32; Jn14:20

8:30 to 9:30 AM – Our City & Our State

Pray for our mayor and local officials – for wisdom and grace to lead well. Pray for police and firemen for safety, peace and cooperation. Pray for community service workers and the people they serve. 

Scriptures: Rom 12:8; Is 1:26;
ACC Mayor’s Office
City of Watkinsville

9:30 to 10:30 AM – Our Nation & The Nations

Pray for our government – the President, his Cabinet and team, the Congress and Senate.  Pray for God to move across our nation. Pray that God would stir and awaken prayer across the U.S. today! Ask God for the nations as our inheritance.  Pray especially at this time that the LORD would have complete victory in Israel, France, and North Korea. Pray for other places in the world that are on your heart. Ask for the LORD’s mercy over the dark places, that they may be brought into His light! 

Scriptures: Ps 33:12; 1 Chron 7:14; Lev 20:26

Pray for Israel, Iraq, China, Italy, Uganda, Chile, or wherever the Lord may put on your heart. Pray for an awakening and the advancement of His kingdom and gospel in both open and closed countries. Pray for the missionaries in those lands.
Scriptures: Ps 22:27; Ps 47:8; Is 2:2-4; Is 52:10; Rom 10:14-15; Rev 22:2

10:30 to 11:30 AM – Health Care, Healing, & Restoration

Pray for the hospitals (St. Mary’s and Athens Regional), clinics, faculty, employees, doctors, nurses, labs, hospice care, nursing homes…
Scriptures: 1 Sam 25:6; Ps 30:2; Is 53:5; Luke 9:2; 1 Pet 2:24
Athens Regional Health System
Landmark Hospital

St. Mary’s Health Care System
Mercy Health Center

Pray that the Lord would pour out His power to heal those who call on Him in the day of trouble.  Declare His power over cancer, covid-19, and every other ailment that comes against man.  Prayer for COVID-19
Scriptures: Matt 8:16; Luke 5:15; Is 53:4-6

11:30 AM to 12:30 PM – Community & Public Service

Pray for our mayor and local officials – for wisdom and grace to lead well. Pray for police and firemen for safety, peace and cooperation. Pray for community service workers and the people they serve. 

Scriptures: Rom 12:8; Is 1:26;
ACC Mayor’s Office
City of Watkinsville

12:30 to 1:30 PM – Colleges & Schools in Athens

Pray for the schools near you. Pray for the principals, faculty, teachers, specialists and students. Pray for the students’ families.  
Scriptures: Prov 1:7; Prov 2:1-6; Dan 1:17; Hos 4:6
Athens Academy
Athens Christian School
Clarke County School District
Downtown Academy
Oconee County Schools
Prince Avenue Christian School
St. Joseph Catholic School
Westminster Christian Academy

For our Colleges:
Pray for the administration, faculty, teachers, employees, and students of these colleges. Pray for sports teams, chaplains, clubs and campus ministries (i.e. Wesley, Campus Crusade for Christ, Campus Outreach, Navigator, InterVarsity, Athletes in Action, BCM, etc, plus the international students ministries).
College of Athens
Athens Technical College
Disciple’s College
Piedmont College
University of Georgia
University of North Georgia

1:30 – 2:30 PM – Businesses in Athens

Pray for God to bless the businesses in Athens. Pray for small business owners to have favor, creativity and wisdom.  
Athens Chamber of Commerce
Oconee Chamber of Commerce
Northeast Georgia Christian Business Directory

2:30 – 3:30 PM – Churches and Ministries

Pray for your church, your pastor(s), children, youth and all the ministries. Pray for unity within your church and a willingness to join up with other churches in our city. Pray for other churches that you know about. Ask God to bless them and cause them to grow for Him! Pray for helping hands that share the love of Christ to the community around us!  
Northeast Georgia Christian Church Directory

3:30 to 4:30 PM – Children, Families, & Marriages

Pray for families, that Jesus would be the centerpiece in every home, and that His love, peace, and grace would reign under every roof.  Pray protection from all forms of abuse, neglect, and lack within the family unit. Call forth 1000 generations of God’s blessings upon every family. Pray for the prodigals to come to their senses and return home. Ask God to cause children to honor their parents and for children to teach their children the power of knowing God for themselves.   
Scriptures: Ps 68:6; Ex 20:12; Lk 1:17; 3 John 1:4; Prov 22:6

4:30 to 5:30 PM – Thankfulness

Thank the Lord for His great goodness and love for all people.  Thank Him for guarding you from harms that you never knew about.  Thank Him for daily bread.  Thank Him for His constant presence.  Thank Him for the favor that has rested upon you and our nation. Thank Him for the power of His peace in every storm.
Scriptures: Ps 7:17; Ps 106:1; 1 Cor 15:57: Eph 5:20

5:30 to 6:30 PM – Unity in Christ

Romans 17″14 says that the Kingdom of God is a matter of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.  Pray that His Kingdom would come, and that by His power we will find our unity in Christ across all places where there is division.  Thank God that He began by making each person in Christ one with Himself.  Ask Him to release healing, restoration, and peace into every place where there has been division and disagreement.  Decree unity in Christ in politics, in international affairs, in homes, marriages, and across Christian denominations.  Ask the Lord to cause us to understand how our words and actions affect every other person who calls on His Name. Ask for humility to rise up and replace pride. Call forth repentance and restoration between men and between men and God.
Scriptures: Jn 17: 20-22; Eph 4:3; Gal 3:28; Rom 15:7

6:30 to 7:30 PM – God’s Glory

Return to pray for the Glory of God to be made manifest throughout the earth as He manifests His power, mercy, healing, signs, wonders, and miracles.  Ask God to cause you to be a reflection of His glory. Pray for His Eternal Kingdom to come, here and now!
Scriptures: Hab 2:14; 2 Cor 3:18; Rom 8:30

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