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Jesse Coyne, PhD

Chief Academic Officer


Dr. Jesse Coyne completed his undergraduate degree in Biology at UGA and was actively involved in the Baptist Student Union. He has subsequently served through Young Life, Northpoint Community Church, and several local congregations. Jesse began seminary at the Atlanta extension of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary before moving to New Orleans to complete an MA in Biblical Studies and eventually a Ph.D. in New Testament. Jesse entered seminary to prepare for campus ministry, but he quickly fell in love with the academic study of the Bible. He is passionate about helping others read and fall in love with the biblical text so that it can transform their hearts and minds to better love God and neighbor. Jesse brings to CoA a wealth of teaching experience from New Orleans Baptist Seminary and Mercer University. Jesse, his wife Stephanie, and their two children live in Peachtree Corners, GA, where Stephanie is a chaplain with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.


  • PhD, New Orleans Seminary, New Orleans, LA
  • ThM, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA
  • MABS, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA
  • BS, University of Georgia, Athens, GA


  • Review of "The Unseen Realm: Recovering the supernatural Worldview of the Bible", by Michael S. Heiser (forthcoming 2021)
  • Review of "The Historical Reliability of the New Testament: Countering the Challenges to Evangelical Christian Beliefs," by Craig L. Blomberg, The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry Spring 2018
  • Review of "Visual Theology: Seeing and Understanding the Truth about God," by Tim Challies and Josh Byers, The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry Fall 2017.
  • Review of "God Has Spoken in His Son: A Biblical Theology of Hebrews," by Peter T. O’Brien, The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry Fall 2017.
  • Review of "The Later New Testament Writings and Scripture," by Steve Moyise, he Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 2012
  • Dissertation: “The Wandering People of God and the Metaphorical World of Wilderness in the Epistle to the Hebrews”


  • “The Harrowing of Hell, Matthew’s Walking Dead, and the Heavenly Assembly in Hebrews 12:22­–24,” 2019 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting.
  • “Tabernacle, Transition, and Turbulence: Hebrews and Numbers in Concert,” 2017 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting.
  • “Resurrection and the Logic of New Creation in the Epistle to the Hebrews,” 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature.
  • “Exodus, New Exodus, and Final Exodus: The Wilderness Motif in the OT, STL, and Hebrews,” 2016 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting.
  • “Paul’s Peaceable Kingdom: The Constitutive Power of Isaiah 11 in Romans 15,” 2016 Southeast Regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.
  • “King of the Nations? Revelation, Harmonization and the New Testament Collections,” 2015 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting.
  • “Paul and the Root of Jesse: Romans 15 and Isaiah’s Messianic Kingdom,” 2015 Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion.
  • “The Metaphorical World of Wilderness in the Epistle to the Hebrews,” 2012 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting.